5 – Simon Says – Images

Many modern programs, like GUIs, window managers, spreadsheets, word processors, and games, use a programming model based on the handling of events. Hence, we are going to study them and talk about EDP – Event Driven Programming.

Class work

Let’s start building the game.

Topics for today

  • Local and global variables
  • Scope
  • Event-driven programming:
    • peripherals
    • drivers
    • interrupts
    • events
    • event handlers

Our goal: Simon Says (click on the image to play it)

Click the image to play

Click the image to play


Download in class: simon-says.zip

Individual files:

Initial templates

  1. template.html: Initial HTML template

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en-US">
            <meta charset="UTF-8" />
            <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> -->
            <title>My first HTML page
            <p>Hello World!</p>
            <script src="script.js"></script>


  2. template.js: Initial javascript page

    var SS = {};  // Global object container
    function P(i){


  3. Our page so far: template.html

v0 – HTML content and the images of the lightbulbs

  1. simon_0.html: Main HTML content

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en-US">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> -->
            <title>Simon Says</title>
            <div id = "container">
                <div id = "header">
                    <h1 id = "title">Images</h1>
                <div id = "game">
                    <img id="lb_0" onclick="lb_click(0)" src="images/lb_off.png" width="100" height="188">
                    <img id="lb_1" onclick="lb_click(1)" src="images/lb_off.png" width="100" height="188">
                    <img id="lb_2" onclick="lb_click(2)" src="images/lb_off.png" width="100" height="188">
                    <img id="lb_3" onclick="lb_click(3)" src="images/lb_off.png" width="100" height="188">
                    <img id="lb_4" onclick="lb_click(4)" src="images/lb_off.png" width="100" height="188">
                <div id = "footer">
                    <button id="btn_0" type="button" onclick="play_game()">Play!</button>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="lib0.js"></script>


  2. lib0.js: Image toggle, listening of mouse events

    var SS = {};  // Global object container
    function init_images() {
        SS.img_off = "images/lb_off.png";
        SS.img_on = [ "images/lb_yellow.png",
        SS.n = SS.img_on.length;
        SS.img_delay = 800;  
    function turn_lb_on(i, image) {
        image.src = SS.img_on[i];
    function turn_lb_off(image) {
        image.src = SS.img_off;
    function lb_click(i) {
        var img_id = "lb_" + String(i);
        var image = document.getElementById(img_id);
        turn_lb_on(i, image);
        setTimeout( function(){turn_lb_off(image)}, SS.img_delay);
    function play_game() {
        alert("play game");
    window.onload = function() {
    function P(i){


  3. Our page so far: simon_0.html