Copy the permalink and press cancel, or replace by new one and press Update.
If you want to share your world (and corresponding challenges) with others, save it to a file, or better yet, save everything using a permalink (see button at top) and send it to
To save the complete content (current state of the world, content of the code editor and, if programming using Python, content of the library), use the permalink button at the top. This will create a permalink which can be saved by copying it and pasting it in a location of your choice.
Reverses the previous step.
Erases the trace left by Reeborg. This can be useful to focus on what happens after a program is paused.
Tool which permits collaboration with one or more other user using Mozilla's TogetherJS.
Saves the content of the editor in a file.
Opens a local file and use its content to replace the content of the Code editor.
Saves the content of the library in a file.
Opens a file and use its content to replace the current content of the Library.
Uses JSHint to see if any syntax errors are present and, if so, indicate it in the editor.
For CoffeeScript programming only.
Translates the CoffeeScript code in the editor into Javascript and shows the result in the Diary.
Discussions, questions, comments about Reeborg take place here. Bug reports are welcome!
About ReeborgInspired by Guido van Robot, itself inspired by the original Karel the Robot created by Richard Pattis, Reeborg first appeared in RUR-PLE, a program I created to learn Python, picking up programming as a hobby.
Reeborg is there to guide you in learning computer programming in either Python or Javascript. Why Python? Because its syntax is the simplest and encourages good writing habits by enforcing blocks of code to be indented. Why Javascript? The main reason is because it is the native language for programming web browsers. Since Reeborg's program is written in Javascript, you will be able, after going through enough lessons, to change the way that Reeborg behaves, using the full power of Javascript and perhaps make Reeborg do things that I never thought could be possible. Possible changes with Python as a language of choice might be a bit more limited, but it nonetheless is my recommendation for your first language.
I hope you enjoy learning computer programming with Reeborg.
Feel free to contact me at
Reeborg is free and will remain free to use and to share under a Creative Commons License. If you are using it to teach programming to students, you might want to make a copy of this site on a local server. Regardless, I would really appreciate if you would contact me as I would like to know where Reeborg's World is used.
If you find this site so useful and you want to do something to thank me, you have two choices:
The choice is yours :-)
I am just a self-taught programmer, with no training in web design, graphics, etc. I would gladly welcome any suggestions or contributions to
Bug reports are welcome!
My medium-term plans include:
Longer term plans include:
Audio samples from freesound, all chosen (and modified) from Creative Commons license 0 submissions.